In September 2020, an agreement to transfer ownership of Esso Petroleum Company Ltd’s former Bowling Terminal site to West Dunbartonshire Council was officially confirmed. As part of this agreement, Esso is fully committed to voluntarily remediating the site to standards agreed with Local Authority and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) regulators in order to prepare it for future beneficial use.


Ahead of the remediation programme starting, initial preparatory work was undertaken between June and December 2021. This predominantly involved establishing work and welfare facilities for workers, construction of working platforms and taking delivery of equipment and associated materials, while also ensuring the site is fully compliant with COVID-19 regulations.

The following provides an outline of the programme of works:

  • February 2022

    The first phase of excavation work began ahead of the start of soil washing works.

  • March 2022

    Soil washing works began.

  • Q2 2023 - Q4 2023

    Remediation and shoreline works are expected to be completed. This will be followed by the demobilisation of remediation equipment and work facilities from the site.

  • Q1 2024

    Ownership of Bowling site including Dunglass House to be transferred to West Dunbartonshire Council.

    *Please note that following completion of the remediation works, there will be a period of low-key work, such as ground monitoring, which will run for approximately six months. It will involve a skeleton team and minimal equipment on site.



The programme of remediation works is estimated to run for approximately two-and-a-half years subject to any unexpected setbacks such as COVID-19 related restrictions. This will be followed by a period of low-key work, such as ground monitoring, which will run for approximately six months and will involve a skeleton team and minimal equipment on site.


As the work is to be largely contained on site, we do not expect any significant volume of traffic will be added to the road network. While there may be occasions during peak operation when traffic is impacted on or near Dumbarton Road, which is the primary site access point, we will work to ensure any disruption is kept to a minimum. In addition, vehicle movements to and from the site are being scheduled to avoid school times.


The works are to be undertaken in a manner to avoid any impact to the local community and will be carried out in accordance with the agreed Construction Phase Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and Remediation Strategy. Most works will also take place in an area that is located furthest away from the residents, further mitigating any impact.


The former Bowling terminal is an active remediation site featuring heavy civil earthworks, equipment and deep excavations. The area has therefore been fenced off. For your own health and safety please do not attempt to enter the site.


No, there are no works required in the area where Dunglass House is located.